The Planned Unit Development Plan (PUDP) establishes the regulations that will guide the development of the project’s master plan. The PUDP, also referred to as a “Partial Plan” locally, takes advantage of an innovative special district figure, included in Saltillo´s Directing Plan (the main instrument to guide urban development), to set the public policy objectives for the site and to detail specific planning and urban design aspects such as zoning, street network, lot distribution, density and urban design guidelines like height limits and streetwall requirements. In the absence of this instrument, such level of detail is rarely achieved through generic regulations.
The regulations established by the PUDP ensure that development of the master plan’s individual projects is carried out according to the project’s vision and, working in conjunction with the common private property tenure laws (régimen de propiedad en condominio), provide a high degree of certainty to the project´s implementation, in both the short and long terms.